PLEASE READ heart emotic
Just to let everyone know that my web host has mucked up my renewal of my site
so this is why my store is not accessible frown emo
I do not fully understand it BUT.....
apparently my domain renewal knocked off the original name servers somehow
so my name servers are not pointed to my account???
I know right I don't understand it ether lol
I have had live chats but they have now referred it so waiting on more info?
I do apologise for any inconvenience this may caused.
On to the GOOD NEWS!!
DT CALL 4 Scrapper's Delights
I have some positions coming up in January to help with promoting my products.
-Send me 3 favourite Pieces of your work.
-Tell me a bit about yourself.
-Current Teams you are on.
-Links to your blog/facebook etc
Closing date will be when positions have been filled.
Look forward to hearing from you
email me on
-2 projects a month
-Promoted via blog challenges or Facebook groups depending on your preferred social Media.
-Actively promote my products and promotions.
-Comment on our challenges & Facebook Fan Group.
-Need to be ready to start in January 2016
Big Hugs Janice

Big hugs
I will send an email right away.